Registered Agent Service
For only $125 a year. No contracts or upsells.We'll Handle the Compliance & Protect Your Privacy
365 days of premium Registered Agent service
All documents scanned and uploaded to your account
Business website with 1-year free domain registration
Lifetime customer support from our experts
Maintain Your Privacy
- Use our address, not yours
- Keep your home address off public records
- Protect your personal privacy (and reduce junk mail)
- All mail scanned to your online account
Business Identity Services
- Business phone number to protect your personal number
- 1-year free domain registration
- Professional business email for company communications
- Easy to customize WordPress website
Registered Agent Service Requirements
In every state, when you form an LLC, you’ll be required to appoint a Registered Agent for your business. This requirement to designate a Registered Agent (aka: Statutory Agent, Resident Agent, or Agent for Service of Process) comes from something called “due process”. Due process states that before a lawsuit or other legal action can move forward in the courts, all parties in the lawsuit must be properly notified. A Registered Agent serves as a way to ensure your LLC can be properly notified, should it be involved in a lawsuit (which we hope never happens).
Additionally, a Registered Agent also serves as your LLC’s main point of contact with the state. When the state needs to send forms or any mail to your LLC, they’ll send those to your Registered Agent. In short, a Registered Agent accepts all tax and legal documents on behalf of your LLC.
Any mail (in addition to tax and legal documents) that we receive for your LLC will be scanned and uploaded into your online account. As soon as that happens, you’ll receive an email notification. There is no charge for this mail scanning feature. It’s included in our Registered Agent service.