The United Spokane Small Business Coalition for the Emancipation and Independence of Businesses from the Spokane Authoritarian Regime and Its Absurd and Arbitrary Spokane Business License (U.S.S.B.C.E.I.B.S.A.R.I.A.A.S.B.L.) is a non-partisan, grassroots organization dedicated to ending the absolute absurdity of the Spokane Business License. The United Spokane Small Business Coalition for the Emancipation and Independence of Businesses from the Spokane Authoritarian Regime and Its Absurd and Arbitrary Spokane Business License began in late 2013 as the discordant voice of a one-man political wrecking ball. The United Spokane Small Business Coalition for the Emancipation and Independence of Businesses from the Spokane Authoritarian Regime and Its Absurd and Arbitrary Spokane Business License believes the Spokane business license is ridiculous, and the organization is currently the ultimate authority on the abolishment of said license in hopes that ridding the world of the Spokane business license will help to make the world a brighter possibility for our children and grandchildren. The organization’s sole volunteer traverses a single city block holding interactive lectures and demonstrations with the city’s homeless people, who, instead of businesses, the City of Spokane encourages to reside here.
The United Spokane Small Business Coalition for the Emancipation and Independence of Businesses from the Spokane Authoritarian Regime and Its Absurd and Arbitrary Spokane Business License (U.S.S.B.C.E.I.B.S.A.R.I.A.A.S.B.L.) has a few major motivations:
- The organization would like to see the City of Spokane promote and foster business growth instead of attempting to wring every last nickel and dime out of Spokane businesses.
- The City of Spokane currently has a give me, give me, give me approach towards its local businesses, and the United Spokane Small Business Coalition for the Emancipation and Independence of Businesses from the Spokane Authoritarian Regime and Its Absurd and Arbitrary Spokane Business License would like to see the City of Spokane have a fundamentally different take on local government’s role in the life of a business. Specifically, he United Spokane Small Business Coalition for the Emancipation and Independence of Businesses from the Spokane Authoritarian Regime and Its Absurd and Arbitrary Spokane Business License would like to see the City of Spokane focus more towards helping providing resources like streets, security, and basic regulations instead of the current main goal of maximizing revenue brought into the city coffers (A current example: instead of promoting growth downtown with free meters, the City installed fancy parking meters to make it even easier for the City to create revenue and hammer potential consumers with fines for attempting to shop downtown).
- The United Spokane Small Business Coalition for the Emancipation and Independence of Businesses from the Spokane Authoritarian Regime and Its Absurd and Arbitrary Spokane Business License would like the City to end the harassment of businesses in Spokane by ceasing to a business $150 for a false alarm and charging a business $35 a year just to have an alarm.
- The United Spokane Small Business Coalition for the Emancipation and Independence of Businesses from the Spokane Authoritarian Regime and Its Absurd and Arbitrary Spokane Business License would prefer the City of Spokane to promote Spokane businesses instead of simply collect the Spokane business license fees. With the amount of money the City of Spokane collects from business licenses, it could easily program a great directory and house it on the City of Spokane website and provide a real place where people could search for possible businesses to support in Spokane.
- Abolish the Spokane Business License
If you are willing to sign a petition to advance this proposal, please give your information below. We are currently drafting our legislation and collecting the required number of signatures to bring our proposal to a vote. - Help Spokane Become a Business-Friendly City
When business owners think about moving their businesses to Spokane, these owners are often told they’re nuts. This is why: Spokane charges a business license fee, but it’s not just a flat fee. The City charges businesses more per each employee and in effect chases big employers elsewhere. If Spokane led the state and got rid of the Spokane Business License and all the nickel-and-dime fees it charges businesses, the City could attract the kinds of employers who provide the jobs this community so desperately needs. The State of Washington is a great place to headquarter a national business due to a lack of personal income tax. Many national companies could come to Spokane and provide jobs for thousands. - Raise Additional Revenue for the City of Spokane Naturally
The city government makes money through sales tax, property tax, and gross income tax on business (B&O taxes). Weighing businesses down or scaring them away with absurd fees is tantamount to throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax revenues. It would be like a Wal-Mart charging a $0.25 entrance fee into their stores. People just wouldn’t go there. It’s the epitome of absurdity. Why on earth would a city charge an entrance fee and not do anything for the business? Perhaps you’ve noticed Spokane isn’t exactly a name brand metropolis? We want to help change that, and with your help we can.
If you’re interested in making a donation to The United Spokane Small Business Coalition for the Emancipation and Independence of Businesses from the Spokane Authoritarian Regime and Its Absurd and Arbitrary Spokane Business License (U.S.S.B.C.E.I.B.S.A.R.I.A.A.S.B.L.), the organization is in a pre-revenue state right now. We don’t want your money until we know our legislation could pass.
If you feel as passionate about this cause as we do, please make a note on our contact form that you are interested in donating and the amount you would give to help change Spokane’s future for the better.