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The Blaugg Blog

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Anti-Thought Leadership

Keeping your Creativity Consistent

Anyone in a creative field can tell you that some days are more creative than others. Creativity often comes in... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Thank You Google for Destroying My Business

Monday, December 17th 2012 was a crappy day for us, but I didn’t know it. Two days later, I realized... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Five Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail

Many small businesses fail in their first couple years of existence. What are some of the reasons for this failure, and how can it be avoided? Read on to find out.
Posted on Staff Writer |

When Crowdfunding Doesn’t Work for Your Startup

Do you have a small business that you are looking for funding for? Have you considered crowdfunding, or tried it and it didn't work? Read on for more information on what to do when crowdfunding does not work for your new business idea.
Posted on Staff Writer |