Registering Your Transportation Business with DOT

When you start a transportation business, in addition to registering with your state authority you’ll have to register with a branch of the Department of Transportation (DOT) known as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). In most cases, transportation companies will have to obtain a USDOT number, and in some cases they will also need an MC number.
What is a USDOT number?
USDOT numbers are used to keep track of a company’s safety record on the road. Information associated with USDOT numbers comes from audits, compliance reviews, crash investigations, and inspections. USDOT numbers are unique identifiers issued by the FMSCA to companies that use commercial vehicles to transport people or haul cargo across state lines. This can mean going from one state to another, or passing through another state—even if a truck returns to the same state in which it began. Vehicles carrying hazardous materials also need to have a USDOT number.
What is an MC number?
A Motor Carrier (MC) number is similar to a USDOT in that it is also a unique identifier issued by the FMSCA—however, an MC number also gives vehicles the authority to transport federally regulated commodities. Items that are exempt from federal regulation usually include unprocessed or unmanufactured goods, like fruits and vegetables, or other items that bear little value. For a lengthy compilation of exempt and non-exempt items, see this Composite Commodity List from the FMCSA.
Do I need both a USDOT and an MC number?
Not necessarily. You will only need operating authority if you’re transporting a federally regulated commodity. It’s also important to note that while “Motor Carrier” (MC) is the most common type of operating authority, the FMSCA also issues operating authority numbers specifically for freight forwarding businesses (FF) and businesses formed in Mexico (MX). You can read about different types of operating authorities on the FMSCA’s Types of Operating Authority page.
How do I register for USDOT and MC numbers?
After you’ve registered your business entity with your state authority, you can complete the FMSCA application process online. If you already have a USDOT number, you can register with the FMSCA Unified Registration System. Or, if you need a USDOT number, you can get one on the FMSCA Registration page. You will also need to make sure your insurance meets federal requirements, complete the New Entrant Safety Assurance Program (if you received a new USDOT number), and maintain your USDOT number.