Register Your South Dakota Foreign Corporation
Looking to expand your corporation into South Dakota? The South Dakota Secretary of State requires out-of-state corporations to register as a foreign business. Filing an Application for Certificate of Authority with the Secretary of State costs at least $750, and can be submitted online or by mail.
This guide to South Dakota foreign qualification will show you how to register your corporation, but you can also save yourself some time and hassle by letting us do the filing for you.
Ready to Register A Foreign Corporation?
GET STARTEDHow to Register as a Foreign Corporation in South Dakota
The process of registering a corporation from one state to a new one is called foreign qualification. Foreign qualification informs the South Dakota Secretary of State that your corporation will be operating in the state as a legal business.
Registering your foreign corporation in South Dakota will likely be different from the incorporation process you’ll have already done in your company’s primary operating state. However, some of the setup done during your initial incorporation still applies, so you won’t have to get a different EIN or rewrite all your corporate bylaws.
Here’s everything to do in order to set up your foreign corporation in South Dakota.

1. Name Your South Dakota Corporation
Even though your corporation already has a name, it still needs to be registered in South Dakota. To see if your corporation name is available, consult a state business name search. If it’s not in use by another business in South Dakota, you can use it on your Application for Certificate of Authority.
If someone’s already claimed the name you registered for your corporation in another state, you’ll need to choose a different name to operate under in South Dakota. Your corporation will need to deliver the Secretary of State a resolution approving the use of the new name by your corporation’s board of directors.
If you’d rather get exclusive rights to your business name, a federal trademark can help you secure it for your industry in all fifty states.

2. Designate a Registered Agent
Your corporation should have a registered agent in its home state, but you also need an agent physically located in South Dakota to operate there. If you don’t already have someone who can be your agent living in the state, you’ll probably need to hire a South Dakota registered agent to receive legal notices for your corporation.
Northwest offers registered agent service in every state, so no matter where in the United States you plan to expand your business, we can be your corporation’s registered agent. There’s even a bulk discount for using us as your agent in five or more states.

3. Start Your Business Identity
Once your business is legal in the new state, you’ll want to be ready to make sales. Forming your business identity — the way you present yourself to your potential clients — can prepare customers for your upcoming products and services.
Maybe you’ve never started getting your business out there. Now’s a great chance to start a business website or get a custom business email address.
Maybe you already have a digital presence, but want to make it easier for out-of-state people to find you and start building awareness and a trustworthy reputation in your new territory. Consider getting a phone service that has the local area code or a local business address to use on documents where possible. Either way, make sure your business has a way to market itself in the new state, especially if you are not opening a brick-and-mortar.

4. Get Certificate of Good Standing
A certificate of good standing (also called a certificate of existence) shows that your corporation is in compliance with its home state: up to date with annual reports and not owing outstanding taxes or fees. You’ll need this certificate when filing your Application for Certificate of Authority in South Dakota. Individual states have different requirements for getting a certificate of good standing issued, but it should be available through any Secretary of State’s office.
When you file a certificate of good standing with the South Dakota Secretary of State, the certificate must have been issued within 90 days prior to filing your Application for Certificate of Authority.

5. Submit Application for Certificate of Authority
The Application for Certificate of Authority form can be submitted by mail, or you can file with South Dakota’s Business Services Online system. Filing costs $750 online, but a $15 fee applies when filing by mail, bringing the total to $765.
Your form must include:
- Corporation name
- Name the corporation will use in South Dakota, if original name is already in use
- Status as a general business corporation or professional corporation
- State where the business is incorporated
- Original incorporation date
- Duration of incorporation (this can be indefinite or a specific period of time)
- Principal office address
- If using a noncommercial registered agent: name, street address, and optional email address
- If using a commercial registered agent: South Dakota Commercial Registered Agent number
- If using a corporate officer as the registered agent: their title, physical and mailing address, and optional email address
- Names and business addresses of corporation’s principal officers and directors (noting individuals that serve as both)
- An original certificate of good standing or certificate of existence from the incorporating state
- Dated name, title and signature of an authorized person, email address optional
South Dakota Business Services Online
Secretary of State Office
500 E Capitol Ave
Pierre, SD 57501

6. File South Dakota Reports & Taxes
Your corporation will need to file additional South Dakota taxes and reports on top of the ones required by its home state.
- Income Tax: South Dakota has a 5% corporate net income tax. In addition, you’ll have to file a Corporate Income Tax return. This costs a minimum of $25, plus a percentage of your total capital and paid-in surplus. You can file your report online or by mail. Income tax is due four months after the end of a C corporation’s tax year (usually April 15th), or three months after the end of the tax year for S corporations (usually March 15 15th).
- Annual Report: Your foreign corporation’s annual report is due on the first day of the month the corporation was registered in South Dakota. You can file your report online or with a paper form by mail. Filing the annual report costs $50, or $65 by mail.
Northwest Can Register Your South Dakota Foreign Corporation
If doing things on your own sounds overwhelming, boring, or generally like not a good use of your time, we’re ready to help. Our foreign qualification package is $225 + state fees. This includes:
- Registering your business as an South Dakota Foreign Corporation. We’ll file your paperwork and let you know when it’s approved.
- Serving as your business’ South Dakota Registered Agent. We can be your RA in as many states as you want to expand into.
- Launching your business identity. We’ll get you a digital presence, including a business email address, phone service, and mail forwarding. Plus, we’ll put together a custom website with a domain, web hosting, and security in place. These will all be free for 90 days.
- Sending reminders for your South Dakota annual report. We can even file this for you. We’ll send you a reminder about the report 90 days before they’re due, and you can either have us file for you or opt out of the service.

South Dakota Foreign Corporation FAQs
You can submit an Application for Amended Certificate of Authority for $250.
South Dakota law has a lot more to say about what doesn’t constitute transacting business than what does, but it does state that ownership of income-producing property usually counts. In general, providing services or products in exchange for money is considered doing business.
For more information, check out our resource on what it means to do business in another state.
When listing a commercial registered agent, you will need to include their state CRA number on the form. Your South Dakota commercial registered agent can give you that number.
A person authorized by your South Dakota corporation must sign the application.
Totally! Our foreign qualification package is $225 + state fees. You can also add other services, like premium mail forwarding and a custom website our experts can help you make. You can even test these features for a free trial period.