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The USPTO Unveils New Trademark Search Tool

  Today, November 30, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) replaced its outdated Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

How to Make Your Business Website Mobile-Friendly

We’re long past the days when the only way to get online was by logging into AOL on the gigantic... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

How SMS Marketing Can Benefit Your Business

Twenty years ago, SMS technology was in its infancy. People still made phone calls. The horror! But now, with the... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

How to Write an Effective Marketing Email

Email is a crucial tool for modern business marketing, but knowing how to craft your message is essential. More than... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Should You Form an LLC to Claim Lottery Winnings?

While most of us fantasize about what we’d buy if we won Power Ball or Mega Millions—a fancy car, private... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Should You Join Your Local Chamber of Commerce?

A chamber of commerce is a 501c6 nonprofit organization made up of individual business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals interested in... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Does Your LLC Need Product Liability Insurance?

Collectively, businesses spend around $1.7 million on litigation fees and damages per year. Around 6% of these business court cases... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Employer’s Guide to Employee Jury Duty Leave

Millions of Americans are selected for federal and state jury duty each year. That means that as an employer, you... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Startups vs. Small Businesses: What’s the Difference?

What do Uber, Airbnb, and Facebook have in common? They’re all massively successful startup businesses. What does your local bar... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |

Employer’s Guide to Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

There’s a new law in town affecting business owners. The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), which went into effect on... View Article
Posted on Staff Writer |