LLC Annual Meeting Minutes Template
An LLC can hold an annual meeting to go over its activities from the past year and review its annual financial report. LLC annual meeting minutes record these activities, note the members in attendance, and document any other motions as well. Holding an annual meeting—and recording minutes—is particularly useful for manager-managed LLCs and LLCs with multiple members. We provide an LLC annual meeting minutes template to help your business easily record the minutes of your LLC’s annual meeting.
Do I need to record LLC annual meeting minutes?
While annual meetings are typically required for corporations, annual meetings are usually optional for LLCs. Most state laws note that an LLC’s failure to uphold internal formalities (such as yearly meetings) does not invalidate the LLC or constitute piercing the corporate veil.
That said, LLCs with more than one member should take the time to go over details at least once a year. Holding an annual meeting might not be convenient, but keeping everyone on the same page will turn out to be valuable if members ever get in a disagreement. Reviewing the rules that govern your LLC every so often may prove helpful in avoiding misinterpretations or incorrect ideas about the management and affairs of your LLC. And of course, recording this meeting with LLC annual meeting minutes will help ensure that members’ awareness and understanding of LLC policies are well-documented.
Maintaining your LLC is essential but not always easy. At Northwest, we can help. We offer registered agent service for LLCs in every state. We also help keep your LLC in compliance with your state of formation by providing you an online account with helpful tools to manage your LLC. You can even hire us for your state annual report compliance.
Let Us Help You Maintain Your LLC!
What should LLC annual meeting minutes include?
LLC annual meetings are typically a time to review the annual financial report, record distributions, and note any changes to management or salaries. Our free LLC annual meeting minute template covers the following essential topics:
- General Meeting Information: Our template provides spaces to fill in basic details about the meeting, such as the LLC’s name, meeting date, meeting location, and individuals in attendance.
- Chairperson and Secretary Elections: A chairperson runs the meeting and a secretary records the minutes. Members elect these positions at the beginning of the meeting.
- Quorum Confirmation: A quorum is a minimum number of members needed to conduct a meeting. The chairperson confirms there are enough members in attendance.
- Review of Previous Minutes and LLC Records: At the meeting, the minutes from the last meeting are distributed for members to read. Key LLC documents (such as the operating agreement and Articles of Organization) are made available for members to review as well.
- Financial Report and Distributions: The members approve the annual financial report of the LLC. The net profit and individual member distributions are recorded.
- Manager Elections and Salaries: If LLC managers are elected at this time, the names of the managers and their salaries should be recorded.
- Annual Meeting Date: Members decide on a date for the LLC’s next annual meeting (or decide not to hold one).
- Other Items of Business: The template includes space to record any additional items of business conducted at the meeting.
- Signatures: Members sign the meeting minutes. The secretary who recorded the minutes also provides a final signature.
Do single member LLCs need to record annual meeting minutes?
Unless you’re paying an attorney or CPA to hold a meeting with you, an annual meeting is just a meeting with yourself. You already know everything that’s happening with your LLC, and there’s no one else to debate with. There’s no worry about other members seeking changes or potentially misunderstanding something because there are no other members. In general, recording single member LLC annual meeting minutes is probably a waste of time. However, if you’re overly cautious and prefer to document everything, go ahead.