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Form A New LLC Or Corporation

Do Business the Right Way

This is the start of a relationship. Who you choose to form your new LLC or corporation for you is a big decision. You should ask who your incorporation service is going to list as your registered agent, how they run their local registered offices, and how you will get your legal documents on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, you'll be trusting your legal documents to some random company. It’s easy to provide a filed state-provided form, pass you off to another registered agent for a kickback, and then sell your lead to 20 other companies. This is not our business model. We take the time to do your incorporation right, for only $39 + state fees.


How To Start An LLC

Top 10 Reasons Our Customers Are The Most Satisfied In America

1 Corporate Guides® Will Do Your Work

The people doing your filings have years of experience navigating the odd world of state bureaucracy. We are all paralegals, accountants, lawyers that don’t want to be lawyers, and experts in this field. Northwest’s Corporate Guides® are what makes us unique and different. Our insider knowledge helps get your filings done faster and better than anyone else. No automated operators. No reading from a script. Just immediate answers.

2 Your Data Stays with Us

We don’t sell or share your data with third parties. Almost every other online incorporation website will sell your information as a lead to 10 to 20 other companies. You’ll get sold to merchant processing companies, domain registries, web hosting companies, accounting software, web design re-sellers, and all kinds of other companies that pay for leads. How do we know this? They ask us to buy our leads all the time. So while they may hook you with a “free” or cheap filing, they’re making $1000+ on the back end selling your data. We do not sell your data. We never have, and never will. Our business is doing online incorporations, LLC formations and providing registered agent service, not selling leads.

3 Real Registered Agent Service

When you hire us to form your company, you’re getting more than just a filing service. We will be your registered agent, which means we’ll be accepting any lawsuits, official mail, or tax notices on your business’s behalf. We take our responsibility seriously, and unlike many of our competitors, we don’t farm out our clients to other registered agents. We maintain our own offices in all 50 states, and we scan every document we receive on your behalf from those locations. We make sure each of our clients receive premium registered agent service, which includes:

  • Local office scanning of every document we receive for your business. No forwarding to scan hubs.
  • Access to our Corporate Guides®. You can call and talk to a real human being whenever you have a question about your business.
  • Online account where you can monitor your business.
  • Annual report compliance.
  • Every document you’ll need to file with the state, pre-populated with our information for easy filing.
4 An Actual Price

We don’t mark up the state filing fees. You pay us exactly what you would pay the state. Our service fees are itemized out and you can completely customize your order to save.

5 Additional Services

When we form your corporation or LLC, you’ll also receive:

  • Custom-Drafted Articles
  • Initial Resolutions
  • Operating Agreement or Bylaws
  • LLC Membership Certificates or Corporation Stock Certificates
  • 1 Free Year of Registered Agent Service (What is a Registered Agent?)
6 Online Tools
  • Annual report compliance.
  • Online access to your formation documents.
  • Scans of items we receive.
  • State resources
  • Online account where you can create any kind of state filing or amendment without re-entering your company information.
7 Local Economy

When you hire us, we actually pay taxes locally, putting your money back into your local economy.

8 Long-Term Relationship

When we help you start your business, we’ll be your registered agent. We’re always here, helping you stay in good standing with the state. We’re not one of those companies with a marketing team 10 times the size of customer service. We’re not just out to acquire client after client—we’re here to support our clients for years to come.

9 Trust

When you incorporate online with us, WE will be your registered agent. This is very rare. Many online incorporators have to hire other registered agents, and you have no clue who you’ll end up with. Also, many online incorporators just sell registered agent service and don’t really put forth the effort that we do to do it right. Who will be your registered agent is not a big deal today, but it will be 6 months from now.

LLC Information By State

LLC Information By State


Corporation Information By State

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